Galaxy Painting

Hi there!!
kali ini, I want to posted about painting!!So...awal semester ini, aku and of course all of my classmates diberi tugas melukis with watercolor, Awalnyaa aku ngebuat paintingnya itu yang rumit, penuh ukiran sana-sini. But...ternyata aku ngga sanggup buat mewarnai ukiran kecil-kecil pake kuas-____-jadii...Aku ganti gambarnya dengan gambar yang lebih simpel hehehe.
Tapii masalahnya belum selesai niih. Coz I can't painted especially with watercolor so, I asked someone. Her name is Amabel Emillavta. Aku followersnya di akun instagramnya yang namanya nypze. She's a great and wonderful young painter OMG!!!Kalo ngga percayaa, you can check by yourself on instagram!. Pertamanyaa aku cuma tanya gimana caranya buat efek galaxy di lukisan cat air. Aku pikir ngga bakalan dibales. Secara, we doesn't know each other, I just one of her followers right?She lives in Jakarta and I live in Semarang. Buttttt...she really really really kind and humble!!!!She answered all of my question via chatting with very interesting explanation. Even the question that I don't mentioned it, she explain to me!!!OMGGG I was really happy at that time. I hope I can be like her soon!!Amiiiin it's my painting(ewh...I know it's not good at all;_;)


I make soooo many mistake in that painting. You can see there's a broken part there right??It's because I didn't use watercolor paper as Kak Abel suggestion--"
Then compared it with Kak Abel pictures now!
Hahahaha Kak Abel's painting makes my painting like a dust right?wkwkwk Kak Abel was amazing, I want to be like here soon!I promise^^


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